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Critical thinking paper 2

Critical Thinking Paper 2

Q instruction for critical paper 2: While one of the chapters focuses on agriculture, I want you to think about the water and what it means to have potable water. Do some research and then consider the impact that corporations such as Nestles have had on the world's water. Do so research before you write. There are videos out there which discuss this issue. So, write a well-developed one page SINGLE SPACED essay which shows me what you have learned about the importance of water and what we are allowing corporations to do with it. Remember you must start to research it asap so as to have a good answer, one which will teach people what is going on in the world concerning water, its value and what it means when you are deprived of it due to those who have taken rights away from people

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The word ‘water’ brings to light so many emotions and functions that it is hard to imagine even darkness without water. Water to humans isn’t just something that satiates thirst and comes handy for every day works, but it is rather a universe of its own that is both essential and encompassing. To imagine water becoming scanty or even absent for some minutes is hard to digest, but sadly, this is more than the reality today, as humans have already started inhabiting a planet that has become an enemy to water. While it is a fact that roughly 72% of the earth comprises of water, sadly only a little more than 3% of it is consumable, as the rest is either lying in the ocean, salty and undrinkable, or locked in glaciers. With this reality already exiting for millions of years, to add to the dilemma, humans have started exploiting and privatizing water as a commercial good, leading to a major global crisis in water availability, which has further